This blog is maintained solely by Bob J. Mercier. All entries herein were provided to Bob by the hunter who bagged the buck. The reason they provided their testimony is for the better of mankind. So all those who view this physical proof would see the truth about the Dominance Is Everything System. D.I.E. is another name for Bob J. Mercier's personal teachings.
There is an easier way to hunt mature bucks, and to fill your back tag with a buck of a lifetime than by hunting with traditional deer hunting methods...
We call it the D.I.E. Way!
Dominance Is Everything is a Registered Trademark of Robert J. Mercier |
Dominance Is Everything is a NEW WAY to hunt mature bucks.
Once you know the D.I.E. System you will never hunt bucks again!
DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING makes trophy-racked whitetail bucks hunt you!
The D.I.E. System, makes every deer that encounters it, believe that the person using it is not a human. Deer are persuaded to believe that the user is one of two deer that have come from over 1 mile away, and those two deer (a monster-racked buck and a doe in heat/estrus) have intentions on becoming mates in the immediate future. Armed with the real truth about deer, as Bob J. Mercier states in his first book DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING...To A Monster Whitetail Buck! copyright 2011, any person able to walk can be taught to become a deer in the minds of deer.
D.I.E. Hunters are those who go afield after reading Bob's book, trusting that they are smarter than before, now knowing what deer think, they utilize the new skills they have learned, to the best of their ability.
In return for their efforts they are allowed to share space with mature bucks from other herds. Sharing space with bucks means you are allowed inside the 35 yard radius that dominant bucks have around their bodies all year long. When you hunt with D.I.E. there is a 35 yard invisible bubble around you and your stand site for as long as you are using the D.I.E. System there. The king of the herd owns the land, and he too has a bubble around his body. When the two bubbles overlap, then you are sharing space with the king or a competitor to the king.
When you use the D.I.E. System as directed, no pecking order bucks from that herd, (ranked under the king) will ever come within 35 yards of your tree stand while you are there. The king of the herd hunts you in an effort to mate with the doe, and to fight with or force the intruder monster-racked buck out of his territory. Everyone who gives testimony here has realized the truth about deer, by learning to be hunted by kings through the lessons that Bob J. Mercier has taught them. There are thousands of successful D.I.E. Hunters, but only a few who are dedicated to share what they have learned from Bob are submitting testimonials here. The rest want to keep the D.I.E. System all to themselves! They love seeing a mature buck on every hunt, and they love being hunted by kings! Can you blame them?
We are the D.I.E. Hunters!
We are "those who are hunted by kings"
Join Us!